Traditional storyboarding techniques drive Enclos Corp’s industry-leading Virtual Construction animations. The Visualization Department works closely with superintendents and project managers to interpret their means and methods documentation as storyboard frames.

Since 3D animation is time-consuming and does not lend itself to rapid changes, storyboards help lock in each scene’s core visual message in sequence and help the animators plan their work accordingly. The video below explains the storyboarding process in detail:
Virtual Construction animations are a powerful tool for understanding our proposed means and methods’ time and cost benefits. The animations communicate logistics, required clear space, equipment options, and manpower to install Enclos curtainwall systems.
Since our 3D characters and environments are in real-world scale, we can anticipate installation challenges early in the design process and help get all parties on board. Our animations are so accurate that they have even been used to train crews before entering a job site.

Wood Panel Atrium Installation
During the design process, Enclos engineered these wood panels to be separate modules that could be easily installed and effortlessly removed for cleaning in the future. That information was relayed via Virtual Construction animation.
Our industry-leading 3D materials and renderings help the owner and architect see their future building without any embellishments. All materials are matched to photo references when possible, and our high dynamic range lighting solution builds a realistic expectation of what our curtainwall will look like within the context of its real world location. Enclos is committed to accuracy within all disciplines, including Virtual Construction.